About our Firm

UAE Leading
Accounting, Taxation, Auditing & Consulting Firm

Our Vision Your Business Success

Muhammad Ali Khan

CO-Founder & CEO

Our Mission

At Al Raziq Bookkeeping and Taxation LLC, our goal is to help businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals with top-notch accounting,vat & corporate tax planning, and business advice. We’re committed to providing these services quickly, efficiently, and with creativity. Our dedicated team of professionals works together to make sure our clients are successful and financially secure.

Our Vission

Muhammad Ali Khan, the Managing Partner of Al Raziq Bookkeeping and Taxation LLC, envisions our company as the most esteemed and reliable professional accounting firm in the UAE. We aim to establish a strong reputation where every client has full confidence that their concerns will be addressed by a team that treats their challenges as if they were their own and provides solutions that genuinely serve the client’s best interests.


Served Over 600+ Clients

Hired more than 50+ Professionals from different countries

Elite Accounting Services

Precision Audit Solutions

Optimum Tax Solutions

We have offices in 4 Countries